Saving this for use in nested functions objects

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One common pitfall is to try and use this in a nested function or an object, where the context has been lost.

document.getElementById('myAJAXButton').onclick = function(){
      if (result) { // success
        this.className = 'success';

Here the context (this) is lost in the inner callback function. To correct this, you can save the value of this in a variable:

document.getElementById('myAJAXButton').onclick = function(){
    var self = this;
      if (result) { // success
        self.className = 'success';

ES6 introduced arrow functions which include lexical this binding. The above example could be written like this:

document.getElementById('myAJAXButton').onclick = function(){
    makeAJAXRequest(result => {
      if (result) { // success
        this.className = 'success';

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