SOAP Client

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[{“Name”:“5.0”,“GroupName”:“PHP 5.x”},{“Name”:“5.1”,“GroupName”:“PHP 5.x”},{“Name”:“5.2”,“GroupName”:“PHP 5.x”},{“Name”:“5.3”,“GroupName”:“PHP 5.x”},{“Name”:“5.4”,“GroupName”:“PHP 5.x”},{“Name”:“5.5”,“GroupName”:“PHP 5.x”},{“Name”:“5.6”,“GroupName”:“PHP 5.x”},{“Name”:“7.0”,“GroupName”:“PHP 7.x”},{“Name”:“7.1”,“GroupName”:“PHP 7.x”}]



Parameter | Details | —— | —— | $wsdl | URI of WSDL or NULL if using non-WSDL mode | $options | Array of options for SoapClient. Non-WSDL mode requires location and uri to set, all other options are optional. See table below for possible values.


The SoapClient class is equipped with a __call method. This is not to be called directly. Instead this allows you to do:

$soap->requestInfo(['a', 'b', 'c']);

This will call the requestInfo SOAP method.

Table of possible $options values (Array of key/value pairs):

Option | Details | —— | —— | location | URL of SOAP server. Required in non-WSDL mode. Can be used in WSDL mode to override the URL. | uri | Target namespace of SOAP service. Required in non-WSDL mode. | style | Possible values are SOAP_RPC or SOAP_DOCUMENT. Only valid in non-WSDL mode. | use | Possible values are SOAP_ENCODED or SOAP_LITERAL. Only valid in non-WSDL mode. | soap_version | Possible values are SOAP_1_1 (default) or SOAP_1_2. | authentication | Enable HTTP authentication. Possible values are SOAP_AUTHENTICATION_BASIC (default) or SOAP_AUTHENTICATION_DIGEST. | login | Username for HTTP authentication | password | Password for HTTP authentication | proxy_host | URL of proxy server | proxy_port | Proxy server port | proxy_login | Username for proxy | proxy_password | Password for proxy | local_cert | Path to HTTPS client cert (for authentication) | passphrase | Passphrase for HTTPS client cert | compression | Compress request / response. Value is a bitmask of SOAP_COMPRESSION_ACCEPT with either SOAP_COMPRESSION_GZIP or SOAP_COMPRESSION_DEFLATE. For example: SOAP_COMPRESSION_ACCEPT \| SOAP_COMPRESSION_GZIP. | encoding | Internal character encoding (TODO: possible values) | trace | Boolean, defaults to FALSE. Enables tracing of requests so faults can be backtraced. Enables use of __getLastRequest(), __getLastRequestHeaders(), __getLastResponse() and __getLastResponseHeaders().| classmap | Map WSDL types to PHP classes. Value should be an array with WSDL types as keys and PHP class names as values. | exceptions | Boolean value. Should SOAP errors exceptions (of type SoapFault). | | connection_timeout | Timeout (in seconds) for the connection to the SOAP service. | | typemap | Array of type mappings. Array should be key/value pairs with the following keys:type_name,type_ns(namespace URI),from_xml(callback accepting one string parameter) andto_xml(callback accepting one object parameter).| | cache_wsdl | How (if at all) should the WSDL file be cached. Possible values areWSDL_CACHE_NONE,WSDL_CACHE_DISK,WSDL_CACHE_MEMORYorWSDL_CACHE_BOTH. | | user_agent | String to use in theUser-Agentheader. | | stream_context | A resource for a context. | |features | Bitmask ofSOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS,SOAP_USE_XSI_ARRAY_TYPE,SOAP_WAIT_ONE_WAY_CALLS. | | keep_alive | (*PHP version >= 5.4 only*) *Boolean* value. Send eitherConnection: Keep-Aliveheader (TRUE) orConnection: Closeheader (FALSE). | | ssl_method | (*PHP version >= 5.5 only*) Which SSL/TLS version to use. Possible values areSOAP_SSL_METHOD_TLS,SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv2,SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv3orSOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv23`. |

Issue with 32 bit PHP: In 32 bit PHP, numeric strings greater than 32 bits which are automatically cast to integer by xs:long will result in it hitting the 32 bit limit, casting it to 2147483647. To work around this, cast the strings to float before passing it in to __soapCall().

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