Getting Started

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Python is a widely used programming language. It is:

if something:
    x = 1
    x = 'this is a string'
1 + '1'  # raises an error
1 + int('1')  # results with 2

Its design principles are outlined in The Zen of Python.

Currently, there are two major release branches of Python which have some significant differences. Python 2.x is the legacy version though it still sees widespread use. Python 3.x makes a set of backwards-incompatible changes which aim to reduce feature duplication. For help deciding which version is best for you, see this article.

The official Python documentation is also a comprehensive and useful resource, containing documentation for all versions of Python as well as tutorials to help get you started.

There is one official implementation of the language supplied by, generally referred to as CPython, and several alternative implementations of the language on other runtime platforms. These include IronPython (running Python on the .NET platform), Jython (on the Java runtime) and PyPy (implementing Python in a subset of itself).

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