Serialization using Pickle

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Here is an example demonstrating the basic usage of pickle:-

# Importing pickle
    import cPickle as pickle  # Python 2
except ImportError:
    import pickle  # Python 3

# Creating Pythonic object:
class Family(object):

def init(self, names): self.sons = names

def str(self): return ’ ’.join(self.sons)

my_family = Family(['John', 'David'])

# Dumping to string
pickle_data = pickle.dumps(my_family, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

# Dumping to file
with open('family.p', 'w') as pickle_file:
    pickle.dump(families, pickle_file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

# Loading from string
my_family = pickle.loads(pickle_data)

# Loading from file
with open('family.p', 'r') as pickle_file:
    my_family = pickle.load(pickle_file)

See Pickle for detailed information about Pickle.

WARNING: The official documentation for pickle makes it clear that there are no security guarantees. Don’t load any data you don’t trust its origin.

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