Sockets And Message EncryptionDecryption Between Client and Server

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Cryptography is used for security purposes. There are not so many examples of Encryption/Decryption in Python using IDEA encryption MODE CTR. Aim of this documentation :

Extend and implement of the RSA Digital Signature scheme in station-to-station communication. Using Hashing for integrity of message, that is SHA-1. Produce simple Key Transport protocol. Encrypt Key with IDEA encryption. Mode of Block Cipher is Counter Mode


Language Used: Python 2.7 (Download Link: )

Library Used:

*PyCrypto (Download Link: )

*PyCryptoPlus (Download Link: )

Library Installation:

PyCrypto: Unzip the file. Go to the directory and open terminal for linux(alt+ctrl+t) and CMD(shift+right click+select command prompt open here) for windows. After that write python install (Make Sure Python Environment is set properly in Windows OS)

PyCryptoPlus: Same as the last library.

Tasks Implementation: The task is separated into two parts. One is handshake process and another one is communication process. Socket Setup:

**----------Client Side----------**

   server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
   host = raw_input("Server Address To Be Connected -> ")
   port = int(input("Port of The Server -> "))
   server.connect((host, port))

**----------Server Side---------**

   #setting up socket
   server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)     
   except BaseException: print "-----Check Server Address or Port-----"

“ socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM” will allow us to use accept() function and messaging fundamentals. Instead of it, we can use “ socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM” also but that time we will have to use setblocking(value) .

Handshake Process:

random_generator =
    key = RSA.generate(1024,random_generator) 
    public = key.publickey().exportKey()

random_generator is derived from “from Crypto import Random” module. Key is derived from “from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA” which will create a private key, size of 1024 by generating random characters. Public is exporting public key from previously generated private key.

hash_object = hashlib.sha1(public) 
hex_digest = hash_object.hexdigest()

Here hash_object and hex_digest is our variable. After this, client will send hex_digest and public to the server and Server will verify them by comparing the hash got from client and new hash of the public key. If the new hash and the hash from the client matches, it will move to next procedure. As the public sent from the client is in form of string, it will not be able to be used as key in the server side. To prevent this and converting string public key to rsa public key, we need to write server_public_key = RSA.importKey(getpbk) ,here getpbk is the public key from the client.

#encrypt CTR MODE session key
en =,AES.MODE_CTR,counter = lambda:key_128) encrypto = en.encrypt(key_128)
#hashing sha1
en_object = hashlib.sha1(encrypto)
en_digest = en_object.hexdigest()

So the en_digest will be our session key.

#encrypting session key and public key
E = server_public_key.encrypt(encrypto,16)

After encrypting, server will send the key to the client as string.

en = eval(msg)
decrypt = key.decrypt(en)
# hashing sha1
en_object = hashlib.sha1(decrypt) en_digest = en_object.hexdigest()

I have used the SHA-1 here so that it will be readable in the output.

Communication Process:

For communication process, we have to use the session key from both side as the KEY for IDEA encryption MODE_CTR. Both side will encrypt and decrypt messages with IDEA.MODE_CTR using the session key.

ideaEncrypt =, IDEA.MODE_CTR, counter=lambda : key)

Once defining the “ideaEncrypt” as our IDEA encryption variable, we can use the built in encrypt function to encrypt any message.

eMsg = ideaEncrypt.encrypt(whole)
#converting the encrypted message to HEXADECIMAL to readable eMsg =         

In this code segment, whole is the message to be encrypted and eMsg is the encrypted message. After encrypting the message, I have converted it into HEXADECIMAL to make readable and upper() is the built in function to make the characters uppercase. After that, this encrypted message will be sent to the opposite station for decryption.

To decrypt the encrypted messages, we will need to create another encryption variable by using the same arguments and same key but this time the variable will decrypt the encrypted messages. The code for this same as the last time. However, before decrypting the messages, we need to decode the message from hexadecimal because in our encryption part, we encoded the encrypted message in hexadecimal to make readable. Hence, the whole code will be:

decoded = newmess.decode("hex")
ideaDecrypt =, IDEA.MODE_CTR, counter=lambda: key) 
dMsg = ideaDecrypt.decrypt(decoded)

These processes will be done in both server and client side for encrypting and decrypting.

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