Computed Properties

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Different from stored properties, computed properties are built with a getter and a setter, performing necessary code when accessed and set. Computed properties must define a type:

var pi = 3.14

class Circle {
    var radius = 0.0
    var circumference: Double {
        get {
            return pi * radius * 2
        set {
            radius = newValue / pi / 2

let circle = Circle()
circle.radius = 1
print(circle.circumference) // Prints "6.28"
circle.circumference = 14
print(circle.radius) // Prints "2.229..."

A read-only computed property is still declared with a var:

var circumference: Double {
    get {
        return pi * radius * 2

Read-only computed properties can be shortened to exclude get:

var circumference: Double {
    return pi * radius * 2

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