Configuration for fewer programming errors

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This tslint.json example contains a set of configuration to enforce more typings, catch common errors or otherwise confusing constructs that are prone to producing bugs and following more the Coding Guidelines for TypeScript Contributors.

To enforce this rules, include tslint in your build process and check your code before compiling it with tsc.

  "rules": {
     // TypeScript Specific
     "member-access": true, // Requires explicit visibility declarations for class members.
     "no-any": true, // Diallows usages of any as a type declaration.
     // Functionality
     "label-position": true, // Only allows labels in sensible locations.
     "no-bitwise": true, // Disallows bitwise operators.
     "no-eval": true, // Disallows eval function invocations.
     "no-null-keyword": true, // Disallows use of the null keyword literal.
     "no-unsafe-finally": true, // Disallows control flow statements, such as return, continue, break and throws in finally blocks.
     "no-var-keyword": true, // Disallows usage of the var keyword.
     "radix": true, // Requires the radix parameter to be specified when calling parseInt.
     "triple-equals": true, // Requires === and !== in place of == and !=.
     "use-isnan": true, // Enforces use of the isNaN() function to check for NaN references instead of a comparison to the NaN constant.
     // Style
     "class-name": true, // Enforces PascalCased class and interface names. 
     "interface-name": [ true, "never-prefix" ], // Requires interface names to begin with a capital ‘I’
     "no-angle-bracket-type-assertion": true, // Requires the use of as Type for type assertions instead of <Type>.
     "one-variable-per-declaration": true, // Disallows multiple variable definitions in the same declaration statement.
     "quotemark": [ true, "double", "avoid-escape" ], // Requires double quotes for string literals.
     "semicolon": [ true, "always" ], // Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.
     "variable-name": [true, "ban-keywords", "check-format", "allow-leading-underscore"] // Checks variable names for various errors. Disallows the use of certain TypeScript keywords (any, Number, number, String, string, Boolean, boolean, undefined) as variable or parameter. Allows only camelCased or UPPER_CASED variable names. Allows underscores at the beginning (only has an effect if “check-format” specified).

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