Camera 2 API

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Parameter | Details |

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CameraCaptureSession | A configured capture session for a CameraDevice, used for capturing images from the camera or reprocessing images captured from the camera in the same session previously |CameraDevice | A representation of a single camera connected to an Android device |CameraCharacteristics | The properties describing a CameraDevice. These properties are fixed for a given CameraDevice, and can be queried through the CameraManager interface with getCameraCharacteristics(String) |CameraManager | A system service manager for detecting, characterizing, and connecting to CameraDevices. You can get an instance of this class by calling Context.getSystemService() |CaptureRequest | An immutable package of settings and outputs needed to capture a single image from the camera device. Contains the configuration for the capture hardware (sensor, lens, flash), the processing pipeline, the control algorithms, and the output buffers. Also contains the list of target Surfaces to send image data to for this capture. Can be created by using a CaptureRequest.Builder instance, obtained by calling createCaptureRequest(int)CaptureResult | The subset of the results of a single image capture from the image sensor. Contains a subset of the final configuration for the capture hardware (sensor, lens, flash), the processing pipeline, the control algorithms, and the output buffers. It is produced by a CameraDevice after processing a CaptureRequest


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